Frequently Asked Questions
A. We are now just beginning our efforts to make the world aware of EHEW.org via our social media, a series of press releases, and our contacts with influencers, experts, and celebrities, etc. The NFTs will drop soon after our social media, press release, and mass media campaigns are up and running.
A. We are beginning negotiations with several platforms to determine which will give the elephants the best placement.
Yes. Contact us at nfts@ehew.org
A. Details on the pricing and rarity of each NFT may be found in the NFT Registry section of this website.
In general, there are 12,000 total NFTs designated as Regular Issue. These are broken down into five categories, designated E-1 to E-5, based on minting price.
There are 10,000 NFTs in category E-3. 67% of all NFTs have this rarity. Categories E-1, E-2, E-4, and E-5 each contain 500 NFTs. 3.3% have this rarity.
There are 500 E-1 NFTs priced @ $20.00
There are 500 E-2 NFTs priced @ $50.00
There are 500 E-4 NFTs priced @ $250.00
There are 500 E-5 NFTs priced @ $500.00
(The above each have a rarity of 3.3%)
There are 10,000 E-3 NFTs priced at $1,000.00
(These have a rarity factor of 67%)
The remaining NFTs have varying rarity factors and are priced accordingly.
All of the E-3 NFTs are available for bids at auction.
E-1 and E-2 NFTs are limited to two per customer.
A. 150 NFTs have chosen as Blind Chance Rarities. The numbers are kept secret until purchase by an investor, then they are listed in the NFT registry. Only 1% of all the NFTs have been designated as Blind Chance Rarities and the NFT will be listed forever as such on the NFT Registry.
A. The elephants award special NFTs to those humans who help them in their endeavors. Those NFTs are forever listed and described in the NFT Registry, making them a specially-noted rarity.
Email is contact@ehew.org.